May 25, 2011

Ma's and Pa's important info!!!!!

A BIG Thank You, to all of those who so graciously offered to make snack bags for your families. I now have 183 in my possession.

Could those who are still sewing away, please send me a message to let me know how many you have completed or will complete ( I am trying to get the final count, so I will know how many more I still need to make. THANKS TONS everyone!

May 17, 2011

Invitation to all Parents and Family

We would love for you to join us to officially welcome the youth as they enter the "Valley" at the Diamond Valley Chapel on June 4th. Breakfast will be served at approximately 10:00 am and we encourage all to come and participate. It will be fun for all, but especially for the weary trekkers to see loved ones there to greet them.

May 16, 2011

Trek Sewing Activity

The 4th ward recently held their activity for making aprons. They so generously supplied me with some pictures for the blog. Looks like fun was had by all ;)

May 15, 2011

Changes to the check list

There have been some important changes made to the Personal Equipment check list. Please look over immediately to make sure you bring everything that you need!! The most important change is to bring a coat ;)